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Was put under with a fetanyl for a deep upper molar cavity filling..........................

Health by Anonymous 2018-08-07 03:50:04

Social Science

Was put under with a fetanyl for a deep upper molar cavity filling..........................

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Does getting a deep filling affect face shape please be honest I an scared

I have athletes foot, how to get rid?

Health by Anonymous 2018-08-07 03:20:04

Social Science

I have athletes foot, how to get rid?

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It feels AMAZING itching it, but soemtimes it bleeds :( Anyone who had it get rid of it and how? Cheers everyone

How do I ask my mom to take me to get birth control?

Health by Anonymous 2018-08-07 02:47:37

Social Science

How do I ask my mom to take me to get birth control?

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I am 24 years old and still a virgin but i think I’m ready. I am terrified to ask her for help for birth control. I feel like she will get mad at me or something. What should I do? I need to start taking it!

Asking questions on Yahoo answers will never help you fill an emotional gap?

Health by Anonymous 2018-08-07 02:38:36

Social Science

Asking questions on Yahoo answers will never help you fill an emotional gap?

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How does Zoloft work? Does it make you happy if you are severely depressed? If not, what medicine will make you feel better if you are?

Health by Anonymous 2018-08-07 02:33:36

Social Science

How does Zoloft work? Does it make you happy if you are severely depressed? If not, what medicine will make you feel better if you are?

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Severely depressed?