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Local Businesses

Local Businesses by Anonymous 2018-09-21 04:51:38
Social Science
Why would anyone trust someone affliated with Gates Rubber Company?
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I went to my local O'Reillys auto parts store to ask about a sound my car was making. The person at the front told me to ask the guy that was there from Gates Rubber Company. I believe the guy's name was Dunnie Dunovant. I told him that my car had been making a creaking sound when turning the key to...

Local Businesses by Anonymous 2018-09-21 04:47:39
Social Science
What should I do if no one in the family wants to train the new puppy?
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So, yes. The dog has its good points too (such as being extremely cuddly and affectionate), but the problem is she is TOO affectionate... with strangers. What my family doesn't understand is that not everyone wants a full sized dog (still a puppy, but she is very large) jumping and pawing all over them, and one...

Local Businesses by Anonymous 2018-09-21 04:20:15
Social Science
True or false: As a transgender person I have the right to hate Conservatives.?
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I keep being told when I debate with people who don't know I'm transgender online that I shouldn't judge Conservatives and that it is intolerant of me.. but don't all Conservatives hate transgender people? I won't advocate for violence or harassment towards you, but I will live my life...

Local Businesses by Anonymous 2018-09-21 04:03:10
Social Science
What books will help me with this?
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I am doing some world building, and I was wondering if there are any books that could help me. The culture is modern East Asian and I myself am not East Asian. I want to get a good feel for the cultures that include this (China, Japan, Korea) but unfortunately I don't have the funds to travel. So are there any...

Local Businesses by Anonymous 2018-09-21 03:07:04
Social Science
How can I get a bikini body in 3 months?
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