You have questions? We got answers!

Health by Anonymous 2018-08-28 01:09:04
Social Science
Do buy this crap about fat people being fat because of "thyroid problems"?
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or is their being fat causing their "thyroid problems"?

Health by Anonymous 2018-08-28 00:15:46
Social Science
Does Allah give strength?
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Does strength come from Allah both physical and mental Does he control my whole life Shall I pray and make dua for no fear Who should I fear

Health by Anonymous 2018-08-28 00:06:46
Social Science
Do I have to wear a pirate hat when I'm ordained as a Pastafarian minister or is a black bandanna with a skull and crossbones sufficient?
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I've also got a sword, hook, eyepatch, earring, and even a parrot who sits on my shoulder. Anything else?

Health by Anonymous 2018-08-27 18:35:04
Social Science
Is it good to eat peaches after throwing up?
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Health by Anonymous 2018-08-27 15:01:05
Social Science
Will eating 1200 calories a day stint my growth? If so how little can I eat and have it not stunt my growth?
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I’m a 15 year old girl and am 5ft2 and 50kg. If I only eat 1200 a day will this stunt my growth? If so what’s the minimum amount of calories that I could eat and not stunt my growth?