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Local Businesses by Anonymous 2018-09-21 02:45:57

Social Science


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Republicans overwhelmingly approved of President Donald Trump’s handling of his press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin despite the reactions from top GOP lawmakers and some in the conservative establishment, according to a new poll released Thursday.

The New York times is reporting Michael Cohen secretly taped a conversation with Trump regarding the stormy Daniels Payment, is trump scared?

Local Businesses by Anonymous 2018-09-21 02:22:44

Social Science

The New York times is reporting Michael Cohen secretly taped a conversation with Trump regarding the stormy Daniels Payment, is trump scared?

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They said Michael Cohen ea alone to secretly record his clients to "protect himself" in the future. Since the fbi raided his hotel, home, and office and took it, its to bad mr Cohen can't use it as leverage but he can still cut a plea deal. Michael Cohen was always about himself and not going to...


Local Businesses by Anonymous 2018-08-31 04:19:04

Social Science


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陕西高仿承兑汇票__新浪汽车-新浪网【电V:137.1820.0525】【如果网... 为了赢得奥运会参赛资格林丹2015年疯狂参赛  根据世界羽联发布的2020年...

What's the difference between Republicans who vote Trump just for tax cuts and common prostitutes?

Local Businesses by Anonymous 2018-08-28 18:20:25

Social Science

What's the difference between Republicans who vote Trump just for tax cuts and common prostitutes?

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Both willfully give up their values for a few hundred bucks.

How to make dog stop biting me when I try to play with her?

Local Businesses by Anonymous 2018-08-26 07:01:04

Social Science

How to make dog stop biting me when I try to play with her?

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