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Math word problem?

Science & Mathematics by Anonymous 2018-09-17 17:26:21

Social Science

Math word problem?

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The volume of the oceans on Earth is approximately 1386 million km^3. As the Earth’s temperature rises, the ice in the polar icecaps melts into the oceans, increasing the volume of the oceans. If 1 cm^3 of ice melts, it turns into approximately 0.92 cm^3 water. There are approximately 3800 cm^3 in a gallon. If 1.9...

What should I do to pass algebra 1?

Science & Mathematics by Anonymous 2018-09-17 17:17:21

Social Science

What should I do to pass algebra 1?

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Last year I took algebra 1 and failed because the class was going extremely fast literally half of the class had no idea wtf was happening. Now I’m stressing and on summer break and will get a school transfer. I don’t even fully understand the basics of algebra 1 because how fast the class was and how strange it...

Wasp, bee, or hover fly?

Science & Mathematics by Anonymous 2018-09-17 15:30:18

Social Science

Wasp, bee, or hover fly?

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My partner and I have been debating this,and I've attached a photo for reference. I found this little guy on my lounge carpet. He's one of 4 so far, all coming in from the outside - we leave windows open while we are out and have been coming back to find them exhausted or dead inside. I'm not keen on...

Did i just saw a spirit?

Science & Mathematics by Anonymous 2018-09-17 15:21:17

Social Science

Did i just saw a spirit?

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A few days ago, I just happen to stop by a cemetery where many people were buried there from the 1880's to the late 1920's. I thought it was really interesting and sad at the same time because it was mostly children who didn't make it during that time. When I left, I didn't think much of it till I...

Evolution believers, If a process takes time (say millions of years) and we came from animals, why aren't animals half human at this point?

Science & Mathematics by Anonymous 2018-09-17 12:45:05

Social Science

Evolution believers, If a process takes time (say millions of years) and we came from animals, why aren't animals half human at this point?

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There's humans on earth because the claim is we evolved from animals but because we're on earth it means we're at the point where animals should be showing themselves as becoming humans. Many humans should mean many animals becoming human. Instead, we get fossils....Why aren't animals half human at...