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Was this kid I used to know can be considered a Psychopath?

Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-13 05:37:18

Social Science

Was this kid I used to know can be considered a Psychopath?

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A long time ago, but when I was at this Daycare center, there was this kid, not saying any names, he was like the biggest bully at the Place. What he often do is that well when he Bullies me, he always loves framing me. Now I should tell you things he had done but that seems to be a-bit rambling for this Question....

Is this manipulative behavior or not?

Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-13 05:14:07

Social Science

Is this manipulative behavior or not?

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My spouse comes across as the quiet type to those who think they know him, but in private he shuts down everything I say and wants to do things his way. He is very stubborn and it takes a lot to get him thinking any other way. When he doesn't like something I say or suggest, he gets completely quiet. That is my...

Thoughts on a relationship with an older woman?

Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-13 04:41:06

Social Science

Thoughts on a relationship with an older woman?

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There is this woman at my job that I think is funny, good-looking and she also likes me. At first when I met her, I thought she was about the same age as I am, but it turns out she is over 6 years older than me. Some people think that this is not a big difference, but I have just graduated from college and started...

Are any of your fellow secondary school/highschool classmates dead?

Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-13 04:13:03

Social Science

Are any of your fellow secondary school/highschool classmates dead?

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Got curious thinking back over 23 years ago at my whole Highschool year and pondering who might be dead. I know for a fact 2 of them are. One from drug overdose in 2001 which doesn't surprise me as he was always the troublesome type and another from cancer in 2008 but out of close to 100 pupils I wonder who...

Would the world be a better place without men?

Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-13 03:40:06

Social Science

Would the world be a better place without men?

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Human men are horrible living creatures! And this is coming from a man. According to a 2014 study about global homicide that was done by the "United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime", about only 5 percent of murders are committed by women, while about 95 percent are. In an article written by the...