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Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-12 05:09:28
Social Science
What U.S. Clothing Stores have Party (Multi-Person) or Unisex Fitting Rooms?
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Me and my girlfriend are going swimsuit shopping together soon. We plan on sharing a stall simply because we're going to try on a lot and coming in and out of stalls is a nuisance, and if a store has seperated gender changing rooms then we have to try them on in seperate places and it's a an even bigger...
Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-12 03:08:05
Social Science
How would you label these kind of men?
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While I was in middle school and high school I got terribly bullied for being gay by this one guy who was a big homophobe, he abused me verbally and even physically every day. He pushed me against lockers, kicked my schoolbag, threw stuff at me, called me the F word and all kinds of horrible degrading names. He...
Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-12 02:40:10
Social Science
Can you become traumatized after seeing a death on social media?
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A few days ago, I saw a video of this fifteen year old kid, Lesandro "Junior" Guzman Felix being brutally stabbed and he ran to the hospital by himself because no one else would help him. He made it right outside of the hospital where someone recorded another video of him sitting on the ground, bleeding...
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Ok so my boyfriend passed away due to gun violence two years ago. My relationship and friendships around that time were super traumatizing. Anyway, I copped through his lost but ever since he passed away I've been waking up most nights basically screaming as if the world is about to end and I'm about to...
Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-12 02:23:23
Social Science
Women would you trust a man like this?
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So I have a friend which I have been friends with since childhood and he had a on and off relationship with a girl (always break ups and peace again like Justin & Selena) but since last year he had broken up with her completely as he claims but i'm not sure whether I should believe it. He always complains...