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Men love women for their sex appeal and beauty. Men love women for their bodies. Men love women for the validation of other men. Men love the way women always contort and perform and conform for them. Men love women for the convenience and taking up slack and angry outbursts. Men love women for being their...

Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-10 06:08:03
Social Science
Why are married men constantly trying to get into other women's pants?
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I work the desk at a hotel, and everyone from married male guests all the way to married male coworkers try to have sex with me. When you put that ring on her finger you made a commitment guys. Why can't you act like married men instead of overgrown high school boys?

Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-10 05:50:04
Social Science
What makes life so bad for adults?
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Hello, I am entering my first year of college this fall for engineering. As I have grown up, I have heard endless counts of how growing up sucks, and that being a working adult is extremely hard, etc.... This has intimidated me for quite a while, especially knowing how difficult college will be, and I have been...

Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-10 05:15:03
Social Science
Is this submissive or confidence?
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I have a way of alwaysbacting like an idiot to make people feel better about themselves and to not make myself seem like a ig-headed know it all. I never speak about my private life or achievements and everybody thinks i do nothing. I am happy and content, but now others are treating me like an idiot. It has...

Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-10 05:03:33
Social Science
Which group is more mentally deranged: Incels or TERFS?
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Woman hating incels and man hating TERFS For people who don't know. Incels are men who can't get laid. So they become angry at women and men who do get laid and end up becoming hateful douchebags to everyone. Elliot Rodgers is one of them. They also think men who don't hate women and date them are...