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Will my friend be in more trouble if he waits 5 days before turning himself in to the police?

Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-14 09:24:40

Social Science

Will my friend be in more trouble if he waits 5 days before turning himself in to the police?

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I witnessed a friend who got into a heated argument with his girlfriend (two days ago). In the midst of the argument, she grabbed something out of his pocket and then he reflexively hit her with the bag he had in his hand. They wrestled over what she grabbed (his phone) and it ended with her pulling his hair and...

I m going to die?

Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-14 08:38:26

Social Science

I m going to die?

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This is weird, strange is a better word. Randomly my brain told me I m going to die today. I m not scared, I m not happy or sad, it s just an odd feeling that I m going to die, but I m completely unemotinal to it. Has anyone had this, am I mental? Maybe I m just mad? Just an odd feeling looking for a possible...

Are feminists schizophrenic?

Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-14 07:50:43

Social Science

Are feminists schizophrenic?

No response apparently a shirt that says 'boys will be boys' is perpetuating rape culture and encourages little boys to rape, murder and do bad things. so it's evident in their mind that boys are inherently...

Why am I never interested while talking to people?

Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-14 07:16:19

Social Science

Why am I never interested while talking to people?

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It’s like I really want to talk to people, I do but... Everyone bores so much that it’s ju to depressing.... Or I just avoid people all the time & I don’t know why...E.G: I really wanted to talk to one of my friends, but it was like phiscally couldn’t do it, so I just avioded EVERYONE! It’s like someone else is...

How do you know if you are truly child like?

Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-14 06:25:12

Social Science

How do you know if you are truly child like?

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I'm 32 and I still get excited by kiddie cartoons and children's toys and I prefer children's gospel music to adult music. I also feel happier around children then I do around adults. And I still eat popsicles and ice cream and children's treats. Weird thing is my boyfriend is also super child...