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Science & Mathematics by Anonymous 2018-09-19 05:02:27
Social Science
What is your opinion on the simulation hypothesis?
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I’ve seen a lot of theory’s on this and the most recent one I’ve seen ( that is a bit out there) is that alien abductees have sayid that our universe is a hologram being projected by aliens from another dimension. What is your opinion on all these theory’s that people come up with on the internet. If you think this...

Science & Mathematics by Anonymous 2018-09-19 04:28:31
Social Science
Can I have alcohol while on medications?
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I am currently on prescribed medication for a stomach infection. I want to know if it d be okay if I mixed the medications with alcohol. The medications are AMOXICILLIN two tablets, twice a day every 12 hours. CLARITHROMYIN one tablet twice a day, and OMEPRAZOLE one tablet twice a day.

Science & Mathematics by Anonymous 2018-09-19 03:20:41
Social Science
Can someone help me with this math problem?
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Can someone help me with this math problem? I can't figure it out. Thanks! You are traveling away from home at a constant speed. After 3 hours you are 60 miles from home and after 7 hours you are 160 miles from home. Write an equation that models y, your distance (in miles) from home after x hours.

Science & Mathematics by Anonymous 2018-09-19 02:54:54
Social Science
What are a Geologists working approximate working hours?
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I'm considering studying Geology as my career. I love everything about it so far but I'm still wondering how much "Work" it is. I know there is a lot of physical work as well as office work, but how many hours a week would it be? or how long is each shift? I would just like to have a sense of...

Science & Mathematics by Anonymous 2018-09-19 01:44:37
Social Science
With the bees who pollinate our food going extinct, are many humans doomed to die off in the near future?
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The bees are the pollinators for our crops. For the stuff we feeds animals we eat. No bees, no food IM TERRIFIED! My uncle is a science teacher and says they are dying at an alarming rate, and America is doing nothing to stop it. We lose more every year and it’s everywhere. Should we panic? What’s gonna...