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I have to take a drug test tomorrow and I just got my period will it effect the test that I will be taking?

Science & Mathematics by Anonymous 2018-07-09 12:34:25

Social Science

I have to take a drug test tomorrow and I just got my period will it effect the test that I will be taking?

10 answers

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous

    Hello ?, explain to the receptionist /nurse that your "flow" may interfere with the test. According to previous responses, it {{ flow }} will not affect the results. If not can you reschedule the test date???? Otherwise. Good luck in the future!!

  • Anonymous

    Don't bother trying to use that excuse when you fail.

  • Anonymous

    No How would it affect it anyway? Urine comes out of the urethra. Blood comes out of the vagina.

  • Anonymous

    No, your period has no effect on a drug test.

  • Anonymous

    No, it should not

  • Anonymous

    No, they're not looking for that.

  • Anonymous

    Last time i checked, menstruation was not a controlled substance, so you should be fine.

  • Anonymous

    No, it will affect nothing. They test the blood for drugs of certain classes and the loss of menstrual blood will not change what they find.

  • Anonymous

    Yes. The tests REQUIRE you to be PREGNANT in order to function properly. This being said...are you really this STUPID?

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