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Did I go too far?

Health by Anonymous 2018-07-09 16:00:45

Social Science

Did I go too far?

6 answers

A black lady called me a cracker at the mall today. So I ripped one of the nastiest farts in her babies face. She chased me thru the mall but I got away. The baby had a traumatize look on its face and started to cry. Did I go too far?

  • Anonymous

    You are a pig.

  • Anonymous

    You keep posting this stupid 'question' so it's a fetish of yours....sad!

  • Anonymous

    Look. You're racist and so is Terry who is racist and in love with me because the ***** follows me everywhere on Yahoo just to get in an insult. I will never do you Terry, you awkward cosplay loser.

  • Anonymous

    wasn't funny five years ago, isn't funny. Go f*ck yourself you worthless piece of sh*t

  • Anonymous

    This was funny the first time you posted it but now it's just Zzzzzzz.

  • Anonymous

    School's out, teachers let the monkeys out. And gave them computers to spread the manure.

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