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Why do black men impregnate white women who are single moms in their 30s with no education such as a GED?

Social Science by Anonymous 2018-07-09 11:00:16

Social Science

Why do black men impregnate white women who are single moms in their 30s with no education such as a GED?

6 answers

Letd assume the mom already made 3 mistakes and has 3 teen kids. Funny stuff. Plus she is living off assistance and works part time. He dude moved in with her. Lol.

  • Anonymous

    Why is this such a racist question?

  • Anonymous

    You must be envious of them.

  • Anonymous

    They impregnate everyone really. Not sure what it is with them and kids. And no it's not racist because youll hear them with child support problems a lot. At least I do

  • Anonymous

    Because you watch too much Jerry Springer.

  • Anonymous

    They're thinking with the small head. Stop spamming this.

  • Anonymous

    this doesn't make sense at all

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