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Best kind of razor to cut yourself with?

Health by Anonymous 2018-07-09 12:15:30

Social Science

Best kind of razor to cut yourself with?

7 answers

my current one takes too many swipes to draw even a bit of blood, is there a certain kind that only takes one swipe? please don't tell me not to cut or spew religious bullshit I'm not going to listen.

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous

    Use a single edge razor so your don't cut yourself- oops, sorry.

  • Anonymous

    hahaha, y/a trolls with nothin' else to do. report the question.

  • Anonymous

    razor-clam. stick your head in the sand and let the razor clam eat your eyes.

  • Anonymous

    This is evil so suggest this on here. Please do not ever do this or hurt yourself in this manner.

  • Anonymous

    A sharp one.

  • Anonymous


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