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Should we have sympathy for a fat girl who gets raped because she’s too fat to run away?

Social Science by Anonymous 2018-07-09 13:30:20

Social Science

Should we have sympathy for a fat girl who gets raped because she’s too fat to run away?

4 answers

Why should we have sympathy for somebody who we told to lose weight for years since she was at school and now gets raped because they couldn’t move their bulk fast enough

  • Anonymous

    your evil

  • Anonymous

    We should have sympathy for any victim; fat or thin, male of female. Most rape isn’t forcible rape however, so your scenario would rarely apply.

  • Anonymous

    A decent person would.

  • Anonymous

    "Should we have sympathy for a fat girl who gets raped because she’s too fat to run away?" How about sympathy for an anonymous coward who can "fat shame" others without even noticing the fat between their own ears?

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