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Is the fact that women get depressed more than men a good reason not to hire them?

Social Science by Anonymous 2018-07-09 13:30:53

Social Science

Is the fact that women get depressed more than men a good reason not to hire them?

5 answers

  • Anonymous

    No, employers should gladly spend the extra money to pay women maternity leave, to pay for women with mental health issues, etc. Employers shouldn't care about company profit, they should care about helping uplift women.

  • Anonymous

    If a person can do what I hire them to do and won't let their depression spill into the workplace, any other facts are irrelevant.

  • Anonymous

    Depression ☹ says little about thėir capability to properly pėrform on the job maybe judgė thėm by those merits instead of irrėlėvant ones.

  • Anonymous

    It's funny. I read that article and it only made excuses for women but from a financial standpoint I certainly wouldn't hire someone prone to depression. I also heard they are more likely to steal from the company.

  • Anonymous

    Why? So they can be financially destitute and spiral even further into depression? Cold.

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