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Is the earth flat??!!?

Science & Mathematics by Anonymous 2018-07-09 18:34:34

Social Science

Is the earth flat??!!?

12 answers

  • Anonymous

    Nope. Sorry.

  • Anonymous

    No. If you look from outer space its around. If we drive on a long road it looks flat to us. Another thing if it was flat we wouldn't have curbe roads. Here is an image of a road:

  • Anonymous

    No that would not be possible, this will be covered in school, when you get to about the fourth grade.

  • Anonymous

    No! The Earth is not flat. It is an oblate spheroid. It explains why it is this shape at this link:

  • Anonymous

    No. God made the earth round like a sphere. Don't let anyone dupe you into believing other wise.

  • Anonymous

  • Anonymous

    Yes..the area where we a whole it's sphere..

  • Anonymous

    Only in your tiny mind.

  • Anonymous

    It is where I live.

  • Anonymous

    It is until you fly all the way around it. Get a photo of the edge, it would be priceless.

  • Anonymous

    At spots.

  • Anonymous

    Is your brain flat? Probably.

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