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Why is it's always white, black or Puerto Ricans who panhandle?

Social Science by Anonymous 2018-07-08 21:00:41

Social Science

Why is it's always white, black or Puerto Ricans who panhandle?

6 answers

I never see any Mexicans, Central Americans, Dominicans, Chinese, Indians, etc begging for money. Yet Trump wants to kick out the hardworking immigrants?

  • Anonymous

    You see what you want to see.

  • Anonymous

    You don't know the ethnic background of the panhandlers so you are assuming for the most part. Illegal immigrants get benefits...welfare, housing, food stamps. They don't need to panhandle.

  • Anonymous

    You need glasses.

  • Anonymous

    Look closer, I see people of all different nationalities panhandle

  • Anonymous

    I was just thinking the same thing I gave never seen an Asian person panhandle where I live there always white.

  • Anonymous


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