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Do most crushes happen when you’re a teenager?

Social Science by Anonymous 2018-05-25 13:01:07

Social Science

Do most crushes happen when you’re a teenager?

10 answers

  • Anonymous

    I had a crush on Michael Jackson when I was five

  • Anonymous

    No they can happen any time

  • Anonymous

    They most likely start at age 11 and continue until maturity,which can be any age.

  • Anonymous

    Damn right

  • Anonymous

    It typically starts when your a teenager, but you get them all your life. Although usually when adults are attracted it isn't called a 'crush' but its still the same idea

  • Anonymous

    They can, but they can happen when you are older as well. They just aren't as common because most people that are older simply have found someone so they no longer crush on other people.

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous

    No, you get them all your life. Some stuffy people relate maturity to not being alive though. They don't get crushes, hate snow, don't get in the ocean & make it their mission to ruin life for everyone.

  • Anonymous

    maybe that's when it starts

  • Anonymous

    Its starts there and continues. But yeah puberty makes it exciting. But kids can have crushes but they are not sexual.

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