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Arts & Humanities by Anonymous 2018-09-07 12:53:40
Social Science
Why do racist white people say that blacks sold their own people as an excuse to why slavery was right?
5 answers
Aside from the fact that all black people aren't of the same nation or tribe to begin with, why would this be a response to justify racism? Do they also think that if a man sold his young daughter to some old, fat man who used her for his... pleasure, that she should be blamed and/or that the fat man's...
Although its factual history, rival African tribes did sell each other into slavery, racists will use anything to justify their actions and their ignorance. The purpose is to deflect blame away from themselves and use it as an excuse to continue to be racist and ignorant. Its a way to revictimize the victim or reverse psychology. They use the victims mistakes to jusitfy their abuse. Abusers do it all the time. They dont care about the moral part of it or taking responsibility, they just always have a need to blame the victims even using the victims own faults and mistakes. White people use this information as a weapon to revictimize and shift blame back onto their victims instead of educate and unite. They want us to take ownership of this part of history while they deny ownership of their part.
I don't think the point is to justify slavery, but to try to get you to stop singleing out white Americans to be the scapegoats for your outrage.
You sound a little little confused. Your example about the father selling his daughter to the old man should point to the father for selling his own daughter as being the worst one of the group.
Just pointing out to you that slavery was brought on BLACKS BY BLACKS is just education you of the FACTS YOU DO NOT WANT TO ADMIT... YOU ARE THE RACIEST trying to make it look like the white man is the one responsible,,, HE WAS NOT THE ONE RAIDING VILLAGES and TAKING PRISONERS TO SALE. IT WAS BLACKS DOING IT. NOT ALL White man now days, as you try to claim says it was right... BUT YOU JUST WANT TO TRY TO CAUSE PROBLEMS BECAUSE OF YOUR DEEP INSIDE RATED RACIEST BIGITORY..
The source of Racism is Greed, not skin color, This is a human psychological condition and the culprit is the ego, the problem is, Everyone of every race and skin color has an ego, so essentially, all people are racist minded in some capacity, it takes a great deal of study to understand it, this earth is just a grain of sand in this galaxy, people are self serving hypocrites because that is what the ego is, the ego divides and analyzes everything, it breaks things down and divides everything into segments and classes including their fellow humans, when greed is at the will of the ego, it will justify enslaving people with different blood types let alone skin color...every human has an ego, every human is a racist waiting to happen, and that's when ignorance is at the wheel of the ego.