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Business & Finance by Anonymous 2018-09-09 12:54:12
Social Science
When the war between liberals and conservatives breaks out which side will you be on?
5 answers
I'll be the sniper on the rooftop picking all of the idiots off. Both sides are stupid.
on the american side
You think its that simple huh?
The war has been fought for years. I'm on the conservative side. I believe in the ideals our Founding Fathers wanted for us, and while they were not perfect, they gave us a Constitution that allows us to try to make it more perfect - the people to make it more perfect, not the government, which always acts to cement its power and perpetuate itself. Leftists want to destroy the Constitution and they detest what the Founding Fathers stood for. When the next civil war breaks out, and I think it will in the next 100 years, I'll be gone. I hope enough people will know enough of the Founding Fathers - the left is doing their best to see that they aren't taught - to know Benjamin Franklin's words and believe them. At the close of the Constitutional Convention in 1787, he was asked by Maryland Delegate Dr James McHenry, a military surgeon for whom Fort McHenry was named (think Francis Scott Key and the poem that became the words to our National Anthem): "Well, Dr (Franklin), what do we have? A Republic or a Monarchy?" Franklin is quoted as saying, "A Republic - if you can keep it." The left doesn't want a Republic. It wants mob rule.
The liberal side always wins. If conservativism is a belief in the old ways, then the fact is that the American Revolution and Civil War were liberal. And, of course, social security, medicare, minimum wage, ending the Vietnam war, civil rights, gay rights, womens rights, public education, environmental protection, national highways, clean water, etc. are all liberal initiatives. Liberals always win in the long run. In fact, if you took the average conservative today and thrust him back 100 years with his current political views, he'd probably be considered liberal. Be on the side of liberals because history has proven that in the long-run we always win. Conservatives are always first to die off.