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Do medical professionals use Cotton balls or prep pads?

Science & Mathematics by Anonymous 2018-06-05 21:33:35

Social Science

Do medical professionals use Cotton balls or prep pads?

6 answers

Do they usually use cotton balls and add alcohol or do they usually use isopropyl pads? By medical professionals I mean any medical professional that use needles to inject or what not daily

  • Anonymous

    The nurse at my doctor's office invariably cleans my arm with a prep pad, draws blood, and then uses a cotton ball to apply pressure to the puncture.

  • Anonymous

    When I have received injections in a doctor's office, they have used the prep pads.

  • Anonymous

    Either / or. They use whatever is available.

  • Anonymous

    Cotton balls. They used that on my ear yesterday to prevent the hydrogen peroxide from falling out.

  • Anonymous

    Alcohol pads in the foil packs are good for when one is out and about. If one is at home, alcohol and a square of toilet paper is fast and cheap.

  • Anonymous

    well you sound like you should know, but cotton balls are used to clean the entrance site of the shots or injections, and prep pads for cleaning your eye glasses.

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