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An airplane took 4 hours to fly?

Science & Mathematics by Anonymous 2018-06-13 18:03:30

Social Science

An airplane took 4 hours to fly?

3 answers

An airplane took 4 hours to fly 2400 miles against a headwind. The return trip with the wind took 3 hours. Find the speed of the plane in the still air and the speed of the wind. What is the speed of the plane in still air? What is the wind speed?

  • Anonymous

    The speed of the plane in still air= (2400/3+2400/4)/2= 1400/2= 700 mi/hr The speed of wind= (2400/3-2400/4)/2= 100 mi/hr

  • Anonymous

    Outbound s = 2400/4 = 600 mph Homebound s = 2400/3 = 800 mph Ave speed = (600 + 800)/2 = 700 mph) 700 - 600 = 100 mph 800 - 700 = 100 mph Speed of aircraft = 700 mph Wind speed = 100 mph

  • Anonymous

    v - w = 600 v + w = 800 i) v = 700 mph ii) w = 100 mph

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