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Why don't overweight women exercise more? Do they not realize that they are very unattractive?

Health by Anonymous 2018-06-12 19:11:30

Social Science

Why don't overweight women exercise more? Do they not realize that they are very unattractive?

6 answers

  • Anonymous

    they don't enjoy exercising

  • Anonymous

    I do not care about what you find attractive, as long as I get more steak.

  • Anonymous

    There some overweight PEOPLE who have medical conditions the makes it difficult to impossible for them to exercise. Fat men are not very attractive.

  • Anonymous

    I believe it's the lack of long-term thinking. This is also why the uneducated and poor women tend to be obese more often.

  • Anonymous

    Because they know things aren't as simple as you make it sound. There's a lot more to obesity than just eating and exercising. It takes a LOT of exercising to lose even a single pound...well over 50 kilometers of walking

  • Anonymous

    Diet is much more important than exercise to lose weight...for both genders

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