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I’m 19 and was 122 pounds at 17 now I am 149 pounds. When you gain weight do you also gain muscle? Is this healthy?

Health by Anonymous 2018-06-13 02:11:35

Social Science

I’m 19 and was 122 pounds at 17 now I am 149 pounds. When you gain weight do you also gain muscle? Is this healthy?

6 answers

  • Anonymous

    Depends on why you are gaining, muscle is not by any means a guarantee.

  • Anonymous

    It's a fly-weight . Fly-weights can't harm your health.

  • Anonymous

    It depends, gaining weight could be muscle, it could be fat, it could be bone mass. It's normal to gain weight to an extent, just keep an eye on your fat percentage.

  • Anonymous

    You only gain muscle if you work out.

  • Anonymous

    I'm 37 and I'm about 110 kilos, which is I think about 250 pounds. I guess you're a girl, so you should be about half that. If you feel fat, work out and eat well. Try some fruit smoothies.

  • Anonymous

    Why would you gain muscle, unless you are working out?

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