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Does the word "racist" mean anything anymore considering how overused that word is?

Education & Reference by Anonymous 2018-06-13 19:08:59

Social Science

Does the word "racist" mean anything anymore considering how overused that word is?

3 answers

If I got a quarter for every time I am called a racist, then I would be retired a long time ago. Does this word even mean anything anymore? I kind of just shrug when I am labeled a racist.

  • Anonymous

    EVERYONE has the capability of being racist, proven, read for yourself.

  • Anonymous

    Yes, it's overused. But if you are repeatedly called racist, you might need to stop and think why. Do people really see you as advocating oppression and hatred? Is that what you really MEAN to convey?

  • Anonymous

    The word “racist” definitely still has meaning, but I do agree that some people are overusing the word these days without knowing what it really means. I think the word “racist” should only be used when racial discrimination is occurring.

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