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Are there and benefits for a man to get married?

Social Science by Anonymous 2018-06-13 18:30:05

Social Science

Are there and benefits for a man to get married?

10 answers

  • Anonymous

    Marriage is beneficial to kids. Selfish people shouldn’t get married.

  • Anonymous

    More benefits than for women

  • Anonymous

    Tax benefits, someone to cook and clean and mend, less sex than you have been getting.

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous

    No, when she inevitably leaves you, she takes half your shīt. FŪck women

  • Anonymous

    Not if he can find a "cow" that lets him get his milk for free.

  • Anonymous

    Well, in a sense, the comfort of no longer having to be single, alone, but, a lot of men don't like comfort.

  • Anonymous

    Give it a go and report back

  • Anonymous

    After his mom stops doing everything for him, he needs to find someone else to do it.

  • Anonymous

    Are there financial benefits for a man to get married? Is that what is meant? Or just benefits in general? Though I'm nnoot a man, I know the answer is yes. Though marriage is not for everyone. It is a solemn thing meant for mature people.

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