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Should I anonymously tip off his wife that he is gay. I'm going to find out where he lives and write to her. Good idea or not?

Health by Anonymous 2018-06-13 18:40:54

Social Science

Should I anonymously tip off his wife that he is gay. I'm going to find out where he lives and write to her. Good idea or not?

7 answers

  • Anonymous

    Stay out of it.

  • Anonymous

    Is he gay? Is he bisexual? She is probably already aware. If she is unaware she is unlikely to believe your spiteful note. And yes, spite is the only reason to take such action.

  • Anonymous

    what will you gain from that?? very pointless and destructive

  • Anonymous

    Why do you think this is any of your business?

  • Anonymous

    If he isn't harming anyone, why don't you mind your own business?

  • Anonymous

    I dn't really care how you spend your time. If that helps you get to your goals who am i to judge.

  • Anonymous

    Nope. You are 100% troll.

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