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I m turning 21years old in September I lied to my doc a couple years ago stating I got my period I actually never had one in my whole life!?

Health by Anonymous 2018-06-13 02:10:33

Social Science

I m turning 21years old in September I lied to my doc a couple years ago stating I got my period I actually never had one in my whole life!?

3 answers

Help please I m scared to tell her after so many years I actually never got my period not even once! What do I do and what are the consequences about telling her now? I can t get sued from her can I.

  • Anonymous

    have you developed pubic hair? do you still have fairly flat breast? you may have a disorder that can be treated. If you have not really gone through puberty let your doctor know, hormone therapy can help with this

  • Anonymous

    Amenorrhea, pronounced “a-men-or-re ah” means absent or no menstrual periods

  • Anonymous

    You won't get sued. (You're the only one this is harming) Go and talk to your doctor.

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