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What pet themed breakfast menu puns can you think of?

Education & Reference by Anonymous 2018-06-13 03:36:45

Social Science

What pet themed breakfast menu puns can you think of?

5 answers

I am trying to throw a pet (cat/dog) themed breakfast. I want the menu items to be pet puns, but I am struggling to think of puns (example: a barkfast purrito instead of breakfast burrito). Help please?! :)

  • Anonymous

    Malamute marmalade.

  • Anonymous

    I'm going to need a bucket of Meowmosas if I'm going to this.

  • Anonymous

    It would help if you told us what you are actually serving! Mewsli may be a possibility. And fur-ruit. Mice Krispies.

  • Anonymous

    Pawcake (pancake). That's all I can think of right now LOL.

  • Anonymous


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