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Whats the fastest way to make someone bleed out?

Health by Anonymous 2018-06-14 00:06:06

Social Science

Whats the fastest way to make someone bleed out?

7 answers

  • Anonymous

    Remember Django movie, Stephen (Samuel L. Jackson) 'DEY NUT DEM NUTS OUT U 'LL BLEED OUT IN 4 HOURS.

  • Anonymous

    Cut their Jugular Neck Veins.

  • Anonymous

    Deeply cutting the femoral artery or the jugular vein would do the trick. Keep in mind though, I'm not a serial killer.

  • Anonymous

    Slash his throat and then hang him upside down from a hook.

  • Anonymous

    Decapitate him.

  • Anonymous

    cut a main artery.

  • Anonymous

    slash his throat

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