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Will feminists rip into Justin Trudeau for allegedly groping a woman 18 years ago? Or will the fact that he and Trump aren't best buds...?

Social Science by Anonymous 2018-06-27 18:52:05

Social Science

Will feminists rip into Justin Trudeau for allegedly groping a woman 18 years ago? Or will the fact that he and Trump aren't best buds...?

3 answers

...and that Trudeau is practically the feminist wet dream of what a male politician should be be enough to get him off the hook?

  • Anonymous

    Feminists already have. No, it didn't.

  • Anonymous

    The more I hear of this "allegation", the more it sounds like 1st-Class B.S. Only LOSERS are "best buds" with your Orange Fraud.

  • Anonymous

    You are a groper.

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