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Where is the best source for 3He? A) South Pole B) Moon C) Venus D) Gulf of Mexico E) Russia?

Science & Mathematics by Anonymous 2018-06-28 02:34:15

Social Science

Where is the best source for 3He? A) South Pole B) Moon C) Venus D) Gulf of Mexico E) Russia?

7 answers

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous

    Are 3Hes all gay? The most 3He is on the moon's surface. This is also the most expensive source.The easiest source of 3He is irradiated lithium. Seawater contains 3He, as does helium leaking out of the earth. Currently we cannot make use of 3He

  • Anonymous

    B - the moon’s surface

  • Anonymous

    Definitely Russia - you would be lucky to find one He in any of the other places.

  • Anonymous

    It's speculated that the Moon may harbor tritium on its surface, but I'm not certain how certain that is. You might be interested in watching the Sam Rockwell movie "Moon", which is available right now on Netflix, which is premised on exactly that. . .

  • Anonymous

    The radioactive decay answer was everything I was finding as well, but I found it as the literal last line in my textbook. The moon is apparently the answer. Thanks for the help guys!

  • Anonymous


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