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Lymes Disease Bulls Eye mark?

Health by Anonymous 2018-06-28 17:09:44

Social Science

Lymes Disease Bulls Eye mark?

5 answers

When a “bulls eye rash,” (erythema migrans (EM) rash) appears does this indicate a tick bite but not necessarily Lymes Disease OR/ does the bulls eye rash mean you have been infected with Lymes Disease by a tick bite.

  • Anonymous

    The bulls eye means the bug is there, a non infected tick bit doesn’t make a bulls eye rash.

  • Anonymous

    no , you definitely have lyme . also get checked for powasan and babesiosis .

  • Anonymous

    A doctor has to diagnose lyme disease.

  • Anonymous

    Tick bite but not necessarily Lyme's, but one should probably get tested anyways, the sooner caught, the better off treatment works. It used to be, a decade back or more, cause for instant treatment. That has changed as testing and such has improved.

  • Anonymous

    Ring worm maybe.

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