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Meaning of three dots ...?

Education & Reference by Anonymous 2018-06-28 19:15:33

Social Science

Meaning of three dots ...?

6 answers

  • Anonymous

    It is called an "ellipsis" and indicates there is more (something is omitted). In most situations, it is a substitute for "etc" or "and so forth".

  • Anonymous

    When to Use Dot Dot Dot (The Ellipsis)

  • Anonymous

    Ellipsis (... or . . .), indicates an intentional omission of a word Asterism (⁂, sometimes *** or three dots), indicates a flourished section break in a document

  • Anonymous

    ellipsis. used primarily to indicate continuation of the same thought or idea (and thus means, essentially, "and so on") but also used to indicate removal of parts of a quoted statement.

  • Anonymous

    A deliberate pause in talking, or writing.

  • Anonymous

    three dots in morse code is the letter S

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