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How many integers n are there between 1 and 50 (inclusive) such that n^n is a square of an integer?

Science & Mathematics by Anonymous 2018-06-28 22:02:50

Social Science

How many integers n are there between 1 and 50 (inclusive) such that n^n is a square of an integer?

3 answers

  • Anonymous

    26. 1 and all of the even integers between 1 and 50 inclusive.

  • Anonymous

    If p is a prime factor of n which occurs as pᵐ in n then it occurs as pᵐⁿ in nⁿ. For nⁿ to be a square mn must be divisible by 2 for all possible p. ∴ 2|n (n is even) (25) or 2|m for every prime factor (n is a square) (4)

  • Anonymous

    Ans. all n in [1, 50] such that n is even or n= 1. Proof: 1^1=1^2=1. For the others, let n=2m, where m is in [1, 25], then n^n=[(2m)^m]^2 is a square number. e.g n=8=>8^8=(8^4)^2=4096^2=16777216 is a square number.

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