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Are there any habitable planets in the Libra constellation, and if so, what are the odds of Papua New Guinea colonising them?

Science & Mathematics by Anonymous 2018-06-29 00:33:23

Social Science

Are there any habitable planets in the Libra constellation, and if so, what are the odds of Papua New Guinea colonising them?

7 answers

  • Anonymous

    Very good, in fact. I hear the Papuans are developing an Alcubierre Drive system to propel their spacecraft, Noah's Space Ark, to Gliese 581g. They are transporting animals, plants, even fish, to help make the planet habitable

  • Anonymous

    No habitable planets that we know of. The odds are ZERO The odd of you being a troll are 100%

  • Anonymous

    It could happen if Papua New Guinea continues to develop at such a remarkable rate.

  • Anonymous

    1) Maybe. However, no life of any sort has yet been found past Earth. 2) Quite low

  • Anonymous

    Unknown and Zero

  • Anonymous

    no one can colonize any planets, the technology is not there, nor will it be in the foreseeable future.

  • Anonymous


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