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Do Donald and Melanoma go anywhere together anymore?

Education & Reference by Anonymous 2018-06-29 04:11:16

Social Science

Do Donald and Melanoma go anywhere together anymore?

10 answers

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous

    Marriage counseling, Barron's recitals at school, that's about it.

  • Anonymous

    not lately, it seems.

  • Anonymous

    She is treated rudely by distasteful liberals. I don't blame her if she'd rather stay in

  • Anonymous

    nope- that marriage was over long ago- she does not care LOL

  • Anonymous

    She'd rather not. Do you blame her? I've never seen someone with such a permanent look of disgust on their face. This woman has seen things all the luxury in the world can't wash away.

  • Anonymous

    You imagine yourself to be clever and witty, but you're actually seen as immature, butt hurt and hateful.

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous

    Are we trying to be clever?

  • Anonymous

    So you are a nosey liberal?

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