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Why do guys keep asking how to stop masterbating?

Health by Anonymous 2018-06-28 19:10:02

Social Science

Why do guys keep asking how to stop masterbating?

6 answers

It’s a question i see frequently and all i can think is...just stop doing it. Duh. It isn’t an involuntary act, you aren’t being raped, you are doing it on purpose. So the question stand as is. Why do they keep asking?

  • Anonymous

    religious censorship interiorized, a bad condition

  • Anonymous

    Once you start masturbating its kinda hard to stop it. I dont know why they keep asking but theres nothing wrong when masturbating its perfectly normal for a guy or a girl to do it.

  • Anonymous

    You may be knowing the answer ,all are not intelligent as you are hence they are asking.Regards.

  • Anonymous

    I think some want reassurance that it is in fact OK to do, while others just seem clueless.

  • Anonymous

    Those bishes be crazy

  • Anonymous

    It's none of your business

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