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Social Science by Anonymous 2018-06-29 18:00:06
Social Science
Are you allowed to have sex in a food pantry?
7 answers
Since it’s a charity my husband and I figured it was ok but before he could even finish they kicked us out for good? This isn’t fair. Can I sue? They are keeping us from getting food.
it probably depends on if it's edible or not.
Used to all the time, should have been an issue, suing is the best course of action.
Oh give it up... I've sifted better trolling efforts out of my cat's litter box.
Lucky... you could get arrested and both be registered as sex offenders for the rest of your life.
Trolling has really hit the dirt
I'm not sure people want to get food that people have been having sex around.
You are lucky you were not arrested. If it is not your own food pantry in your own home no, you are not allowed.