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Education & Reference by Anonymous 2018-06-29 01:41:54
Social Science
What was the most disturbing thing you learned in school?
6 answers
for me it was the rape of Nanjing in 10th grade history, it made everyone nauseous for the rest of the day.
Dissecting frogs.
the Horrors of WW2 in Europe and the Cruelty of the Japanese to everyone WW2
That banks are allowed to create money out of thin air and demand it be paid "back" with interest.
The films of what happened at Dachau were shown to us in high school.
Hard for me to remember now, after nearly 60 years.
For me it was learning about the Vietnam war. Seeing the girl that had been burnt by napalm, running down the road naked, screaming. I found that image very disturbing in particular.