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Social Science by Anonymous 2018-07-07 04:30:22
Social Science
Why won’t anyone hire me with a B.A. in women’s studies from a prestigious liberal arts college?
6 answers
Despite having a 3.8 GPS, even McDonald's won’t hire me. My college education was over 250K, why doesn’t any business value this?!!!
Have you applied for a government job? I used to work in government and that was the kind of degree most of the university-educated people had. (They all had to start out at the bottom, though.)
Unfortunately, a Bachelor’s Degree is about as valuable as a high school diploma anymore. If I were you, I’d bump that up to at least a Master’s, and see where you get.
Judging by this question, perhaps it's because of your personality.
Perhaps they realize that you are a troll.
It smells like troll in here. But I can see that happening. I won't hire anyone with a degree in women's studies. I couldn't stand to work with then and hear their feminist brainwashing all day.