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Why is the sun red when blue flame is stronger than Orange Flame.?

Science & Mathematics by Anonymous 2018-07-07 09:33:37

Social Science

Why is the sun red when blue flame is stronger than Orange Flame.?

7 answers

Shouldn t the sun be blue?

  • Anonymous

    It is the colour of Hydrogen Plasma to the Human Eye

  • Anonymous

    It’s blue but not to the human eye

  • Anonymous

    It's not red. Get your eyes examined. It's white. And it is not hot enough to be strongest in the blue end of the spectrum. It's hottest in the yellow-green.

  • Anonymous

    You are assuming the sun is burning, which it is not. Your Blue Flame and Orange Flame are from FIRES Burning something. The Sun is NOT burning anything. The Power in the Sun is from Nuclear FUSION of Hydrogen Gas.

  • Anonymous

    Are you looking the sun when it's - Near the horizon? Or there's a wildfire or other air pollution where you live?

  • Anonymous

    Blue stars have surface temperatures in excess of 100,000 degrees, while the Sun's surface temperature is a mere 5500. But the Sun is yellow, not red. Red stars; surface temp is around 3800

  • Anonymous

    The sun is not hot enough to be blue or blue-white.

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