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Health by Anonymous 2018-07-06 14:08:15
Social Science
Getting my wisdom teeth out?
4 answers
Ok so I know that some people act really funny and say weird things after they have their wisdom teeth removed. Is that from laughing gas specifically? I'm using general anesthesia so should I be worreied about saying something I shouldn't?
This is a Myth. When you come round you will have a swab in your mouth. No way will you be laughing or saying anything. believe me I have worked for a UK Dentist.
It all depends on what the dentist uses. When I had mine out, I just had the usual local anesthetic you get for fillings etc, so was not sedated or had laughing gas.
It doesn't matter. You won't remember a thing.
The weird things they say are from the gas. General anesthesia doesn't do that.