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Why do guys never ask me out?

Social Science by Anonymous 2018-07-07 10:00:10

Social Science

Why do guys never ask me out?

7 answers

  • Anonymous

    Well first, it looks like you somehow sh*t on the front of your pants, so thats an immediate turn off for me

  • Anonymous

    i can't you are below 30 besides there is your mother and your aunts to consider ...hey what are those dingbats of your generation doing ??? Get them if they don't get you ....god bless !!!

  • Anonymous

    Are you shy.

  • Anonymous

    Because you are a guy.

  • Anonymous

    Don’t know because there’s not enough information to judge (except that there’s nothing wrong with your looks). But do you ever ask them out?

  • Anonymous

    Because you are probably not looking for them at the right places.

  • Anonymous

    You're dressed like a man in that pic, to be honest.

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