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Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-11 16:51:31
Social Science
I told a small lie but feel extremely bad?
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This was the tiniest lie ever. It didn't hurt anyone, it didn't have a negative effect on anyone, and the person doesn't even know it's a lie. It was one small thing. Again, it wasn't bad at all. It was more of just a pointless lie. Why do I feel so guilty?
Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-11 14:12:08
Social Science
How to forgive yourself?
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Hello, guys! I was wondering is that possible for one to forgive yourself? I never really did or wished anything bad to anyone. However, i have no courage to show my true self. When i was a kid, i used to lie to others. For example, when kids in my school were braggin about their new playstation, etc. I also used...
Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-11 13:33:06
Social Science
Is she sending me signals?
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There’s a woman I know. We’re pretty good friends. We speak in a regular base. Recently, she always talk to me about being single and how she doesn’t like it and how she wants a man in her life. And I always nod my head and say “I understand”. Does she want me to ask her out or something?
Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-11 13:19:16
Social Science
Why as a man, should I be sorry and held accountable for what the men who have done evil stuff just for having the same genitalia?
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Feminists are pushing this notion that all men should apologise for the evil acts commitied by the miniority of evil men. Most men are decent people who have never raped or sexually assaulted anyone and if feminists think that all men are just ticking time bombs waiting to rape or assualt. Then that's more to...
Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-11 13:16:18
Social Science
Why is there a clear difference in white women and black women's reaction to male strippers?
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White women usually react by laughing and having a fun giggly time with male strippers, while black women act no different than men do with female strippers, meaning they are serious, they are there to see some skin and even throw money at the strippers example :...