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Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-11 13:11:19
Social Science
Why have ignorant women who think that the father gives more freedom to the male child because of sexism?
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This is not sexism, first men do not suffer rape and women suffer rape, men are stronger physically so you know to defend yourself, the male son if you go to the ballad will not happen any violence with him, and if the daughter goes to the ballad goes be raped harassed and if they have one or two vagabonds wanting...
Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-11 13:10:17
Social Science
Is it sexist i want to become a muslim for the sole purpose of being able to control women?
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I like their ideas on controlling women and making sure they dont do things like dress provocatively without permission. They realize if you give a woman an inch she will take a mile so they put a stop to it from the beginning. It's so anti-feminist. Its so cool.
Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-11 11:17:05
Social Science
Anybody else alone in July 4th today?
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Here I am 22 years old playing video games almost all day every day for past 10 years. No friends, no gf, no social skills, no communication skills, no real life skills, nothing. I also have immense anxiety when going out to places especially in public and driving a car. Everybody else is celebrating there July 4th...
Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-11 10:42:06
Social Science
Women would you be offended if your bf asked you to look more like another woman?
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for instance look at the woman in this video she has really great legs. if your bf asked you to work out more to get your legs lookin like that, would that be a problem or would you be a good lil girlfriend and do it for your man?
Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-11 10:03:04
Social Science
How can I stop and overcome envy on other peoples perfect life?
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I've been enving one girl named Ashley for 5 years. She has great family member that support her throughout her life as I lost my dad when I was 13 years old and shes tall like 5ft 11inch closer to 6ft tall and as I am only 5ft 9 tall which I havent grown taller since my sophomore year from high school and...