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Why do I forget who I am after watching shows for a long time?

Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-11 10:00:18

Social Science

Why do I forget who I am after watching shows for a long time?

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Whenever I watch 2+ episodes of a show or even a movie i start to personally believe I belong with them, I forget who I actually am and act like the characters would, I change the way I talk, act, or view life. I watch these shows and suddenly my real life doesn’t feel real, I feel like I don’t belong in my own...

Daydreaming and pacing?

Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-11 09:58:19

Social Science

Daydreaming and pacing?

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I daydream a lot, and they can last from a couple seconds to possibly over an hour. It mostly happens when I'm listening to music, reading a book or watching an emotional show/movie. I start to pace a lot, my feet often get sore but I don't wanna stop, it's mildly comforting just imagining all these...

How come most feminists are so delusional?

Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-11 09:58:18

Social Science

How come most feminists are so delusional?

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especially feminists online. there's a sinister reason behind everything - in their eyes. if you take any other person, and any other subject, and apply the mindset of the typical feminist to that person and that subject, you would want them locked up for mental health issues.

Why do white people deny they have an easier time in life?

Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-11 09:44:34

Social Science

Why do white people deny they have an easier time in life?

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I know so many white kids that got high paying jobs right after college becaus of who their dad knows or they were friends with some rich kid from private school and his dad gave them a job. And this **** is VERY common, whites like to say " oh well affirmative action" but AA is WAY less common than...

This girl I like is 26, no kids and makes 32.50 an hour, is something wrong with her?

Social Science by Anonymous 2018-09-11 07:13:04

Social Science

This girl I like is 26, no kids and makes 32.50 an hour, is something wrong with her?

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I like her but she has never had children and makes such little money. Most women her age seem to have children and make more money than her. Is she a loser? Should I not bother? She always pays for dinner even on her small salary which is ok I guess. She's also a model with very nice body but I can't help...