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Which country is more powerful: Australia or Brazil?

Social Science by Anonymous 2018-07-08 23:30:14

Social Science

Which country is more powerful: Australia or Brazil?

10 answers

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous

    Brazil soccer

  • Anonymous

    According to specialists, Brazil.

  • Anonymous

    Australia easily because it has a disciplined military an organized society and Brazil doesn’t.

  • Anonymous

    Brazil obviously.

  • Anonymous

    In regards to what? Soccer? Rugby? Military? Politically? Economically? Spiritually? What? Power comes in all shapes and forms; you shouldn't be vague about what you mean.

  • Anonymous


  • Anonymous

    Brazil Brazil ranks 14th in military power Australia ranks 22th Brazil ranks 8th in economic power Australia ranks 14th

  • Anonymous

    Australia for sure But Brazil may be in the future

  • Anonymous


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