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What can you be sure of today? Can you be sure of ANYTHING? Can you even be sure that your mother truly loves you?

Social Science by Anonymous 2018-07-09 14:30:22

Social Science

What can you be sure of today? Can you be sure of ANYTHING? Can you even be sure that your mother truly loves you?

10 answers

This is scary stuff Stanley STOP IT.

  • Anonymous

    I'm sure what corresponds with reality taking into account that I am not hallucinating .

  • Anonymous

    i think, therefore i am.

  • Anonymous

    nothing, i dont think anyone can be sure of anything except death and taxes

  • Anonymous

    the fact is my mom loves me but never liked me... as soon as I accepted that I did much better in life it is more a formality to see her not a real emotional thing

  • Anonymous

    No, you can't be sure, but if you look at actions instead of words it's hard to come up with an alternative motive for why she acted that way. She was kind, wise, and self-sacrificing.

  • Anonymous

    I'm sure I'll have my earplugs in again all day.

  • Anonymous

    i am sure i still hate my job. i'm sure that i have no control over most things happening TO Me but i can control how i react. and no my mother doesn't love me. still coming to terms with that.

  • Anonymous

    I already know that my mother did not love me, she was one of the first to say so.

  • Anonymous

    The only thing I can be sure of is that my mother died many years ago, but when she was alive she told me that she never wanted children. We never had a good relationship after that.

  • Anonymous


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